Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger Woods

After constantly hearing about Tiger Woods' and his wife's endless confrontations, you would think that after Tiger did the exact same thing plenty of times, his wife would learn from it all. The whole Tiger story is getting very old, very quick. For those of you who do not know it, Tiger has cheated on his wife countless times, and his wife is still trying to work things out with him, although he has purposely hurt her so much, already. His wife should have definately saw this coming, and maybe should not have even married him. First of all, he is a billionaire, who is loved by billions of women who are constantly throwing themselves at him. My opinion is that I think Tiger will keep messing up with his wife, and no one should trust a billionaire around other beautiful women; I mean it is common sense. So, after seeing and hearing all about Tiger's problems at home with his nieve wife on television, the internet, from my friends and family, on the radio, I think that the whole thing is not worth making such a big deal out of. It is everyday life to find out about people cheating on their significant others; people make mistakes, and some even repeat them. Therefore, it should not make a big difference if a famous golf player does the same thing. Paparazzi is a joke, and makes everything so much more than it really is, and quite frankly, it all is getting on my nerves; that is all I have to say about that.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Story of Ryan White

Although the unbelieveable and pitiful story of Ryan White is quite historic and has probably been forgotten, I want to bring the amazing event back to life, and talk about the most important and interesting facts involvong Ryan's life. I am currently working on a project which is all about Ryan White's story, and after reading about the famous story it made me want to relive the story and recognize Ryan White's tough and inspiring life. Ryan was just three days old when he was diagnosed with Hemophilia, which is a disease in which one's blood does not clot. When he was just 13, he was diagnosed with AIDS after being treated with contanimated blood. After finding out he had the deadly disease, he was given six months to live. Within the small amount of time within the rest of his life, he was kicked out of school, because of his disease, and treated as if he were a monster. While trying to return to school, he was rallied against by many. No one wanted to touch or even be near him, because everyone thought the disease was casually contagious. While being hated by the community, his story slowly became famous, and he appeared on TV with stars like Michael Jackson and Elton John. At the age of 18, Ryan White died of AIDS, while fighting a respiratory infection. Over 1,500 people attended his funeral, and four months after White's death, Congress enacted The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act (often known simply as the Ryan White Care Act), in his honor. Ryan's amazing story is recognized throughout the world, and is trying to be kept known everywhere, to everyone.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Interesting Facts about Indiana

After reviewing some facts about our great state of Indiana, I found some quite interesting and fun facts about Indiana, that I would never expect to find. The most interesting fact that I found was that our state was the first to have electric streetlights; so basically our very own state invented the use of the much needed street lights. Another very interesting and unique fact about Indiana is that it is the hometown and birthplace of the oh so famous and funny David Letterman. Also, I found that the city of Santa Claus, Indiana receives over one half million letters and requests at Christmas time; how ironic is that? Some other fun facts about Indiana are the following:
-Birthday: December 11, 1816, the 19th state
-North of Lafayette is the site of the Battle of Tippecanoe, where on November 7, 1811, William --Henry Harrison's forces defeated the Native American confederacy formed by the famous Shawnee chief Tecumseh.
-Corydon was the scene of the only Civil War battle on Indiana ground. The battle was fought July 9, 1863 when General John Hunt Morgan attacked the city.
-Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis is the burial place for many famous figures in Indiana History. Benjamin Harrison, Oliver P. Morton, Kin Hubbard, James Whitcomb Riley and John Dillinger are among those buried here.
*Total Population as of 2005: 6,271,973; this is a huge amount of people.
Well, I have done enough blogging for one day, I will continue my awesome blogging soon.

Unique Recipes

After looking a numerous amount of delicious Thanksgiving desserts, I found that there are a few unusual, but tasty-looking foods, that people make especially for Thanksgiving. One of the many desserts that I found was a yummy home-made recipe of a "Turtle Pumpkin Pie". It is the same as an original pumpkin pie, but with chocolate whipped topping, and chocolate syrup drizzle, some nuts, and a little bit of caramel. Some even use a peanut butter topping, also. Sounds delish right? I can not wait to try this new and unique recipe out, especially for Thanksgiving. I am actually helping my mom, aunt, and grandma cook for tomorrow, and I will make sure that I cook this wonderful pie, and I will make sure that everyone tries it. Another interesting recipe that I found was "Pecan Sticky Muffins". I personally think that these would be delicious and very tradtional, since there is already pecan pie involved with the holiday dinner. Thanksgiving is the best holiday, to me, and I love how there are new recipes added to the holiday, almost each year. Have a Happy and delicious Thanksgiving everyone!


The INDIANAPOLIS COLTS are now at an AMAZING record of ten and zero. They have done a fantastic job at what they do, and I believe that they will definately make it to the Superbowl. Although a lot of people have their opinions about the Colts and how they are going to screw it all up in the end, I simply ignore those comments and keep on believing in my home team. Many people are also saying that the Colts are probably going to lose to Houston on Sunday, but I think that they will dominate. Although the Colts have barely won, to many teams lately, I think that they will win against Houston, because of the way they have been playing, lately. Houston lost, badly, against Titans the other day, and seeing how the Colts can definately take the Titans, easily, I think that we will take home the win against Houston, for sure, this upcoming weekend. I would like to make a prediction of the score on Sunday. I think that we will win by at least 5, and the score will be about mid-twenty's to early thirties, and our INDIANAPOLIS COLTS will most definately win.

Little Boy Killed by Mom's Boyfriend.

I read about a little boy, who was just 5 years old, who was killed by his mom's boyfriend, by a gunshot to the head. It all started when the boy first lived with his mom and her boyfriend, and the boyfriend and the mom were constantly arguing and never got along. Not too long after the boy turned 3, the mom was then beaten, a few times, by her boyfriend, and never left. The boy was then sent to live with his uncle and aunt for a few years, where he lived the good life, with great stability, and they cared so much for him, as if he was thier own. No one knew that they were actually only his aunt and uncle. After a few years with living with them, the boy's mother made a phone call saying that she wanted her son back with her. Well, after the mom convinced the aunt that everything back home was better, the aunt allowed the boy back with the mom. Exactly five months after he was forced back with his mother, he was shot, by a gun to the head, by the mom's boyfriend. After reading this article, I realized how stupid people are these days, and never think twice about the outcomes of things. If I were a mother, I would not allow my child to live with his biological mother, and a boyfriend that beats her, ever again. I would not allow my child to even see his mother, barely, at all. If the aunt would have kept the boy with her, he would be just fine and safe. But because of a stupid choice, a 5 year old innocent and happy boy, has been killed and taken away from this world. For all of the parents out there, I suggest that you do not make any dumb choices like this one. You will regret it for the rest of your lives, and you know it. Stick with your gut feelings; they are almost always right.

A Delicious Veggie Holiday

Who needs Turkey to have a delicious and satisfying Thanksgiving dinner? There are so many other wonderful, traditional dishes that will fit right in with the veggies. For some quick examples, there is the CREAM corn. We all love our creamy and sweet corn with our turkey, but who says you can't have your corn with your stuffing? My opinion, about the whole vegetarian Thanksgiving topic, is that you can simply replace the turkey with a great, big, yummy and quite filling, dish of the traditional stuffing. We all know that turkey is not very flavor-full or tasty; I mean, sure it's good and it's the main thing of the whole holiday, but when you really think about it, don't we all spend most of our time filling up on the satisfying side dishes and desserts? Yes, we most definately do this every year, which is why a vegetarian holiday dinner is not really different from the traditional holiday dinner. Most of us can't get enough of our pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes. Or how about that green bean casserole or the wonderful warm buttery rolls? I mean, if you really think about it, Thanksgiving food is mostly healthy, anyways. The only meat that most people have at Thanksgiving is the turkey, and everything else is vegetables and sweets. This proves my point exactly. Vegetarians can have an equally as good and craveable dinner, with one hundred percent of it containing great flavor.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


After finding out that the Indiana Fever almost won the WNBA championship, this year, I was very interested, all of a sudden. I honestly never thought that our home team would ever make it that far, in anything. The only team, within our state, that I believe in, at all, is the Indianapolis Colts. The Indiana Fever is a great team, but it never occurred to me that we would ever even come close to winning a championship. Being born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, I am not used to hearing about anyone or any team, from Indiana, on the radio or television. Indiana is just not a very successful state involving sports. We all hear about how great the Los Angeles Lakers are, and how terrific the New England Patriots are playing, but we barely ever hear about anyone from Indiana. The state of Indiana is a great and wholesome state with a lot of positive values, but sports is just not Indiana's best value.


After seeing a commercial, about snuggies being made for dogs, the thought of stupidity came to mind. I personally think that dog snuggies are pointless, and dogs should definately not be made for any type of animals. Animals already have tons of fur, that already make them warm enough for cold weather; a snuggie is not going to do anything for a dog except make it more hot and uncomfortable than it already is. The way the commercial was advertised was very cheesy, too. The commercial said "Snuggies are great....blah..blah..blah.... and NOW, there is even a SNUGGIE for your DOG!" I thought that this was the most cheesiest and unprofessional advertisement that I have, so far, ever seen on television. Besides, snuggies are just huge blankets with arm holes. We can make these at home, for heaven's sake. Snuggies are already unnecessary, and dogs clearly do not need any more warmth than they are already provided with.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I know that summer just ended, and it is a long way away, but I really admire all of the different syles and types of bathing suits and bikinis. This particular style of a bathing suit, seems to be one of the most popular, worn bathing suits this year. I really love the cut-out look of the suit, and I also love how it has that silky and sensual look to it. Loving the suit as much as I do, there is one, big, negative downfall to wearing this outside. Wearing this suit outside, in the sun, would leave someone with a horrible and unattractive tan line. This past summer, in the summer of 2009, this particular type of bathing suit was the most popular and most worn piece of swimwear of the year. I think that this sort of style is going to remain with us in the next few years, at least.

09' Style

For the style of 2009, the best and most loved stylish clothes just happen to be the baggy-shirted, wide-legged, high-heeled look. I, personally, love this style, because my personality is very outgoing and bubbly, which just happens to match this particular style. I am a big kid, yet a woman with class, at the same time, and the big necklaces represent this; the necklaces symbolize the little-girlish vibe, while the high heels definitely symbolize the classiness and sophistication. I also love flat shoes, because they also sort of represent childhood and youth. A lot of people seem to love this certain style, because it can definitely work with both the party occasion and the casual, everyday look. Another thing that is so great about these types of outfits is that they can be worn by young teens at school, while also being worn by professional adults in the career world. These outfits are wonderful and gorgeous, and can be worn at any time, by anyone.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


We Americans love us some delicious dessert! Especially ones that melt in our mouths. Out of the millions and billions of yummy sweet-toothed foods, there are five sweets that us Americans most definately love the most, and can NOT get enough of. The fifth favorite dessert is the wonderful and sophisticated cheesecake. The fourth is the amazing jello, proceeded by the all-time favorite apple pie. The second is the mind boggling chocolate cake, and the first, number one best tasting sweet, is the mouth watering, creamy and icy, mind craving ice cream. There are so many different ways and combinations of eating ice cream. Unlike other desserts, we can eat it in both a bowl and a cone! Other desserts can only be eaten in a boring bowl or an everyday cup. Ice cream is not only the best tasting thing in America, but it also the most fun and creative food there is! It is an ALL-time favorite that will NEVER go extinct.


Well, as we all know, and are looking forward to, Thanksgiving is only five days away! For those of you who did not know, Thanksgiving takes place on Thursday, the 26th, which is the Thursday coming up. I, and everyone else, is so, very excited to eat all that we can, on the wonderful and crave-satisfying, delicious and food-filled day. We all have that one favorite food that we try to hog each year, and the food that I just absolutely can not get enough of is the fabulous PUMPKIN PIE! Did you know that the largest pumpkin pie actually weighed 2,020 pounds? Yes, it is quite unbelievable! Another fun fact is that there is a limit to the number of states that actually produce turkey. Just six states—Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana—will probably produce two-thirds of the estimated 271 million birds that will be raised in the U.S. this year. Therefore, we should be thankful that our state is one of the only 6 states that sell turkey. I wonder what Thanksgiving would be like without turkey. Anyways, Thanksgiving is a great holiday for us to enjoy our meals, and give thanks for everything and everyone that we have.


After reviewing several different web sites, and searching for the most popular Christmas gift, I found that the top five wanted Christmas presents were the Nintendo Wii, digital camera, Ipod Touch, fancy jewelry, and perfume. In my opinion, I think that the Nintendo Wii is the best gift that someone could ever receive, because it is not only a fun system to play video games on, it is also a great digital fitness center. Instead of sitting down lazily on the couch for hours on end, you can now get up and move, dance and even excercise with the Wii system. Also, the Wii is not just for young children and teens, there are Wii games that are specifically made for the older persons, such as yoga games and pilates. The Wii game system is the perfect, and most loved gift of the year, and if you can afford one, you should definately get it for the one that you love.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Slouch more!

As everyone can clearly see, the number one style for women, of the fall/winter season, is the slouchy boot. A lot of different top websites, such as Google, Ask and Wikipedia, all state that slouchy boots are at the top of the list for this season's apparel. A woman can wear slouchy boots with many different types of outfits and moods. She can wear the boots with a skirt, for a party kind of look; with skinny jeans, for either a casual or going-out type of look; and also with a pair of big-legged pants, but of course you would keep the boots underneath the pant legs, which would create the best professional look. The professional look is usually the most preferred look of any different type of mood or occasion, so why not wear the most liked pair of boots with your most professional outfit, and look gorgeous at any time of the day? As you can see, slouchy boots are the number one pick of the season, and will most likely repeat their wonderful and loved stylishness for the next few years, at least.


As most of you know, IUPUI is building another parking garage for us, in order to produce more spots to park, and reduce much stress that comes along with parking. They are building a garage with about 1,300 spaces, and it is going to be placed by Blackford St, which is in the IT parking lot, which is where most of us park. In order to keep the chaos to a limit, our school is allowing us to receive absolutely free parking permits, to park on Indiana Ave.while the creation of this garage is made. There is only a limited time on the parking permits, and they are going very quickly, so I suggest that everyone get their permit now!
My opinion on this certain topic is that I absolutely love it. I love how the school is caring about our feelings and stress issues. I think that we would all agree that parking is probably one of the top stress producers, dealing with school. So, therefore, I think that the producing of this garage is a great and very useful strategy that everyone should definately take advantage of, now!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Denny's Cares

As being a current employee for Denny's restaurant, I want to propose the big Toys for Tots celebration. In the spirit of holiday giving, Denny’s is proud to announce its continued partnership with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation in a nationwide “Denny’s Cares” holiday program beginning November 2nd and ending on December 21st. At participating Denny’s restaurants, you can donate $1 to the “Denny’s Cares” holiday program to help the local U.S. Marine Corps Reserve purchase and distribute toys for needy and disadvantaged children in your community. As a thank you for making the holidays brighter for local children, guests will receive a coupon for free Pancake Puppies™ for their donation to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation. This Friday, the twentieth, Denny's will be having a get together and celebration for less fortunate children, to help provide toys for those who can not afford them on the Christmas holiday. Anyone and everyone can come, and help out, or to simply come and experience the greatly appreciated event. I will see you there!


After searching for about twenty long minutes, I found that there are way a lot more people in the world that do not eat meat. I knew that there were a great amount of vegetarians, in the world, but after finally reading that there are actually, and surprisingly, over four hundred million vegetarians on earth, so far. I actually am working on a project for one of my classes, that involves vegetarian and vegan food, therefore, I am all of a sudden interested in the whole general idea. I also found that there were definately people that do not even eat fruit, just strictly vegetables. I can not understand how someone can not any eat fruit at all, let alone any meat. I mean, doesn't everyone get a craving for something sweet? Everyone has to have a sweet tooth right? Maybe, or maybe not; but this just does not make any sense to me, whatsoever. As long as a vegan is happy with their lifestyle, eating strictly vegetables, and nothing else, than more power to them; I, on the other hand, personally, could not do it.


Earlier in class today, I overheard one of my classmates and Professor Mannheimer talking about what kind of food they have for the delicious, wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. I heard the student say that their family actually provides crab legs, instead of the traditional turkey, for Thanksgiving dinner. Unlike them, my family simply prefers the original and desireable turkey, as well as ham, for our great holiday celebration. If it were my choice what would be served for my family's Thanksgiving dinner, I would actually love to try something different as a main dish for my dinner. I wonder what chicken would be like? Or pork? Or steak? I am now going to ask my mother and grandmother if they would consider my new idea for something different for our main dinner of the year. I think that they will definately try it, but will they keep it as a tradition? I will have to wait and see. I am now on a mission to get my family members to try something other than turkey, for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!


Time magazine states that Lil Wayne is most definately the best rapper alive, and I have to agree 100%. He has sold more than 6.5 million albums, worldwide, and of course, it helps that Tha Carter III is one of the best albums of the year. Wayne actually signed his first deal at age 11 after rhyming on a record executive's answering machine. Since June 10, when his latest album, Tha Carter III, sold 1,005,545 copies in its first week, he's been the undisputed champ. He is also more than just there for his fans; Time magazine states, "Besides coughing out guest verses for seemingly anyone who asked, he sometimes recorded three songs in a night and gave them away on the Internet minutes later on a series of superb mix tapes." Lil Wayne is not only the best rapper alive, but he is one of the people that I can kind of look up to, and believe that if Wayne could make it that far in his career, than why can’t I make it that far in mine? He inspires me, and SO MANY other people in the world, in many, many different ways.


How bout them COLTS?
After watching the Colts vs. Patriots game on Sunday, me, and everyone else in Indy, got highly excited to see the Colts finally beat the Patriots, while also maintaining undefeatable. The Colts are my home team, and I will always support them no matter what may happen. I think that Manning is the real deal behind it all, and I think he has his sneaky little ways of making sure that we win, every, single time. I think that he sometimes purposely lets the other team get some points in, before he really goes all out with points. I may be wrong, but does it not sound like a great way to win? every time? We get the other team's hopes up, at the end, and then score on them with no warning or expectations. This prediction is a great one, and you know it, and it makes perfect sense. If we think about almost every game that we have ever played, we always either win, or come back in the end, with a very close score. It makes perfect and brilliant sense, right? Regardless, the Colts are doing their thing this season, and I really do predict that they will MOST DEFINATELY make it to the SUPERBOWL, and WIN!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Banned Smoking

After reading an article on, I was very surprised to read that: "A proposal to ban smoking in most Indianapolis workplaces will return to the City-County Council for a vote later this month.
The council voted 16-12 tonight to overrule an Oct. 26 vote to table the proposal, which would strengthen an existing ban to include venues such as bars and bowling alleys. It now is scheduled to go before the council at its Nov. 30 meeting."
I support this ban all the way, because second hand smoke is terrible for all of us, in many ways, shapes and forms. I think that they should have definately banned smoking in all public places a long time ago. It is not fair, what so ever, for all of the non smokers. Studies show that second hand smoke is twice as bad as the actual inhaled smoke straight from the cancer stick. Personally, I think that they should stop the sales of cigarettes, altogether, but I know that this will not happen any time soon.

Swine Flu

After having a little talk with my stepsister, she told me that her school, Greenwood Middle School, is having a major problem with the H1-N1 virus. This scares me to a long extent, because I do not live too far from Greenwood. She also told me that her school principal has sent out mail saying that if one more student receives the deadly flu, they are going to have to completely shut down the school for two weeks, and clean and sanitize every single thing 100%. I just can not believe this, because knowing that so many people, that live so close by, have had or currently has this virus, makes me realize that the virus is real and it can actually harm anyone, really soon, really fast. Studies show that there have been 36 deaths in the state, as of Friday, which is very scary and makes everything realistic. The Swine Flu is very deathly and real, and everyone should definately be extra careful about their health, especially as of right now.

Monday, November 2, 2009


The Indianapolis Colts are now 7-0 in the football season. The last game, which was against the San Francisco 49ers, was a close, but successful game for the Colts. Although we were pretty sure that Reggie Wayne, our team's best wide receiver, would be too hurt and not able to play this game. We were totally wrong, Wayne came out of nowhere with his amazing play. "Wayne chased down running back Joseph Addai's pass deep in the corner of the end zone for the 22-yard fourth-quarter touchdown that lifted the Colts to a bitterly contested 18-14 victory over the San Francisco 49ers", The Indy Star states. "Tuesday, I didn't think I was going to play," said Wayne, who was hobbled by a groin injury. "Wednesday, I didn't think I was going to play." We all know that that play was completely unexpected and highly appreciated by not only the team, but also by the thousands of Colts' fans.

Michael Jackson

After reviewing US Magazine's Article on "How Michael Jackson's Pill Addiction Began", it made me have to agree with the magazine. Everyone is always talking about the way Michael Jackson wanted to be a white man, bleached his skin, and so on and so forth, but I believe that the start of all of the weird actions of Jackson was simply caused by the horrid event that happened years ago. This event was the 1984 Pepsi commercial. During the sixth take, the pyrotechnics went off exploded way too early, and gave Jackson second and third degree burns on his scalp and face. I think that his whole face-changing had a lot to do with this accident. I think that he was just trying to cover his horrible scars with cosmetic surgery. I also think that maybe he bleached his face on accident some way, and ended up actually liking the color of his face better than before. I believe that he simply wanted to change his appearance from being disformed and scarred up, to a different face, but better than it was before. I also believe that it was all caused by the terrible Pepsi accident, and it was not planned, like everyone thinks. Michael Jackson was a fabulous, historic, and amazing pop artist and musician, and deserves all of the respect that he deserves, and not all of the rumors and lies.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Selena Gomez

Singer Selena Gomez is going to try to raise $1 million for UNICEF by the end of 2009, for healthcare and education programs in the U.S. After reading this article, made by US Magazine, I was very happy and excited about Selena's choices regarding the children. In an Oct. 22 post on her Facebook fan page, Gomez reported she and her fans have raised more than $45,000 to date. The 17-year-old’s current fundraising efforts include the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign. She also took a UNICEF-sponsored trip to Ghana, Africa, earlier this year. Her idea is just absolutely wonderful to me, and is something that I want to eventually do. One of my future goals is to also raise funds for the less fortunate children of the country. It is simply the best idea anyone could ever think of, and is definately one of the most successful events in America, as well as many other countries of the world.

Why Marriage?

After viewing US Weely's article "Why Marriage?", I do not agree, at all, with its presented points. The article says that couples are now thinking twice about marriage. It also says that we should no longer get married, because it has too many consequences. It says that marriage only ends in divorces, unhappy couples, angry and broke husbands, and major child custody issues. “Many argue that marriage is an outdated institution. Others say it's changing, moving as society moves and evolving as lifestyles and philosophies evolve”. I disagree; I believe that marriage only causes happiness and endless love, along with happy children and devoted lovers. As long as we are 100% sure that we love our significant other, and stay committed, the marriage that comes with it should be 100% positive. Marriage also teaches the importance of commitment before sex. It teaches pain avoidance. Altogether, marriage is a very wonderful thing and has made thousands of couples better off.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Miley Cyrus was named 2009's worst celebrity influence by teens and tweens. After reading this magazine article, I had to disagree completely. Just because she isn't dressing like a little girl anymore, does not automatically make her slutty or unsophisticated. She deserves a life too, and not one that is directed by everyone else, one that is directed by her. Celebrities derserve their privacy, just like us. She was just going through that stage, when young girls are influenced by others, and try to dress and look older. Everyone experiences this once in his or her life, and celebs are human beings, as well. Miley is living a normal life and should not be criticized for her little mistakes and curiosity. She ought to have a little privacy without having to deal with all of the paparazzi drama. She is a good girl, and it should be clear to everyone, regardless of the petty mistakes she might ever make.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Can you take a guess at what is the most common Halloween candy sold in the nation? That's right! It is the great and famous candy corn! Studies show that the top most popular candy, now a days, that is given out on Halloween night is candy corn, then snickers and Reese's, as well as many others; and although millions of kids go trick-or-treating on Halloween night, only ninety percent of them actually eat all of their candy. They actually usually waste more than half of their candy, including candy like tootsie rolls, sweet tarts, and hard candies. Studies also show that although there is no exact age limit, the average, highest age for kids that should go trick or treat, is the age of twelve, since they have not technically reached the teenage stage. Kids love their candy, and will remain trick or treating for many years to come.


Halloween is all about dressing up in fancy costumes and eating candy. Costumes are worn by millions all over the U.S.A. on Halloween night, alone. Studies show that the two most common costumes, for boys and girls, are the witch and the pirate. The witch and the pirate costumes can be made into both good and bad costumes. A little girl can either be the good, pretty witch, or the ugly, evil, wicked witch of the west witch; the boy can be either the Pirates of the Caribbean, good kind of pirate, or the bad, hook for a hand type of pirate. They are both very neutral types of costumes and are loved by many Americans. Dressing up in costumes are the most admired thing about the fun and scary, sugar-filled night of the year.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


After going out and walking into numerous businesses, searching for any type of job that I can, I found that 2 in 5 businesses are hiring at this time. The majority of places, that are hiring now, are restaurants (mostly steakhouses). The main reason why steakhouses are needing employees, at this time, is because of the upcoming holidays. It took quite a while for me to find a place that chose to interview me, and after getting all my highest hopes up, I was brought down by the fact that they did not even bother to call me back, after telling me that I had the job. So,therefore, I am trying to let everyone know that although you may get several interviews, it is very, very complicated to actually get the job, and keep it. I have learned that every restaurant wants the best experienced person for the job, and unless you have a lot of experience in that field, they will most likely not hire you. You will receive a job the moment that you least expect it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fantastic Formation

The creation of this thing, which is my birthday balloon holder, is very interesting and beautiful to me. First off, the pink and white metallic colors of the material is just fabulous and fits right in with the whole girly birthday theme. I love the shininess and lightweight look to it, also. Decorative items for any type of holiday have been in Americans’ lives for decades now, and will continue to get bigger and better as the years go by. Each year, some, new party-related object is created, and it stays popular for quite a lot of time. For example, a few years ago, the big and fancy new year’s glasses were created, and have now been one of the hottest holiday props for years. Another example would be the big holiday-ish beaded necklaces. Another thing that I love, is the way the stars and the pieces of string almost look as if they are fireworks popping out of a small vase. Looking at this amazing decoration enlightens me and puts me in a great mood. This is more than an original, plain, old balloon hat or party blower, it's a meaningful masterpiece.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I really love the way this pair of shoes were created. I like the way the metal chains were added to the shoes, to create a rock-n-roll-ish look of the shoes. I also love how the metal and the black complement each other, in a very sophisticated sort of way. The last thing I love is the 5 inch heels and the platform-look of the shoes. This look makes the rock-n-roll and sexy styles come together, creating the perfect mix of sophistication and grunge. It is actually proven that high heels not only make a woman taller and sexier, but also makes their legs look longer and toner; this is because of the high heels keep her foot arched, which make the calf muscles stay sort of flexed. These shoes would be the perfect pair of shoes to wear to any type of occasion, at any time of the day.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


The designs of all types of butterflies are one word: AMAZING. I could never figure out how nature could create such beautiful and numerous different designs on just one species, alone. Studies show that there are over 17,500 different species of butterflies, each butterfly with their own uniqe kind of design. It is simply unbelievable that not two butterflies, in the entire world, have identical designs on their wings. The numerous different colors, patterns, abstract lines, shapes, and sizes are uncountable. Some butterflies can have plentiful colors on their wings. To sum it all up, butterflies are very gorgeous, attractive, and distinctive insects, and vary in several different kinds of categories.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yummy and Gorgeous!

First of all, I think this cake is the most amazingly decorated wedding cake that I have seen, yet. I have always had a thing for baking, and this cake caught my eye, immediately. When I get bored at home, I always search for wedding cakes online, and this the most beautiful cake I have ever seen. The cake consists of many decorative flowers, which is the number one best, most popular and enhancing choice of wedding cakes of all time. Although the number one, most popular wedding cake decoration is fresh flowers, the next choice down is sculptured flowers made out of either icing, fondantt, gum paste, marzipan, spun sugar, or buttercream. Another fabulous fact about this gorgeous wedding cake is that it can definitely fit within a casual or formal event, depending on the type of event. Also, this cake looks very delicious and tasteful, and at the same time it looks sophisticated and charming; therefore, you CAN have your beautiful, hours-taken-to-make cake and eat it, too.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


First off, I want to say that I adore this dress to a maximum. I would personally wear this dress at any time of the day, any day. This dress is unbelievably gorgeous and full of style. This dress can either be formal or casual, on any day of the week. With a little bit of my own personal research, I found that four out of five women wear dresses to their workplace, as opposed to skirts or slacks. I really love this dress, because it is acceptable, as well as adored, by many people and places, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Dresses are simply, the new "it" thing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kitchen Art

To begin, I want to say that I really, really adore this kitchen. It is the exact sort of design that I would love to have in my house, in the future. First of all, I really admire the sophistication of the chandelier hanging from above, over the island. Second, I love the look of the cherry wood cabinets, they are the most popular choice of all types of wood. My favorite of the entire kitchen, would be the lovely design of the marble counters. The number one most popular countertop design is laminate; marble actually falls under this category. The way this kitchen was produced is the same way that I want my kitchen to look like, when I finally get out on my own. I could not say anything negative about this beautiful kitchen, at all. It is the perfect design for a sophisticated and amazing, family house.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


The design of these adorable, yet sexy heels, is a very sophisticated and popular one. This design of a high, skinny, platform, high-heeled shoe is the one favorite type of shoe, of mine. It is proven that women start wearing high heels at the age of 12 and do not stop at age 63. Also, the Guiness Book of World Records shows that most people running were in high-heeled shoes. It is also proven that heels cause a person's lower back to arch, the bottom of the spine sticks out, and this can cause pain and permanent damage to the spine. Although I do personally love the style about high heels, I will never wear them again. After wearing a pair to prom, I will never torture my feet like that again.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gorgeous Fashion

First of all, the dress that this beautiful woman is modeling, is one of my favorite styles, of all time. I love the simple, yet firey look of the dress. I also really like how the dress simply "falls" on the model. It is proven that this style of the professional look, of the 20th century, is one of the most admired looks of all time.
Young women, all over the world, are starting to prefer that more sophisticated look, as the years pass by. The more time that goes by, the more grown-up the pre-teens are looking. I believe that the future is going to bring us some of the most adored fashion that will ever be invented. To sum it up, this dress is the definition of modern fashion. As the years pass, our style is only going to get better.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I would like to say that I very much admire this building. I also really love the figures in front of it. The figures sort of look like surfboards, to me, and I happen to love this unique look. The design of the surfboard-looking things gives the area a sort of summer-like feel. I absolutely love the season of summer, and the beach, so this explains why the statues automatically look as if they are surf boards. I have a very bubbly and outgoing personality, which is exactly like the season of summer. Summer is all about making new friends, falling in love, going to the beach, and also staying up late on cool, summer nights. I am all about these three things, therefore, the statues automatically give me the sense of summer.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I absolutley adore the lovely creations of Kathy Van Zeeland. She is a wonderful designer of all types of purses and other formations. Her bags are now sold in more than 1,300 stores, nationwide. She is best known for her beautiful, metallic, and eye-popping handbags, as well as many styles of keychains, and numerous types of luggage. Her unique fashion sense draws the pupils of young teenage girls and women, everywhere. She is quite famous for her youth-like taste in establishment. Kathy's signature prints have reached the top three brands sold, today. Her style definately matches my personality; the shiny, sleek, modern look is just like my bubbly, outgoing, fashionable persona.


First of all I would like to say that I really like the design of this car. The very first thing that I simply cannot resist about this car, is how fast it is. The Ferrari is actually the sixth fastest car in the entire world. The second thing I like is that it has a certain sophisticated look to it. The car is unique in many ways. The doors are more creatively-designed than most other car doors. I specifically like the way they have a dent-like sort of look. I also really love the rims. I like how they make the tires look sleek and thin; the rims are very shiny and sparkly. I also absolutely love how fast the car is. First of all I would like to say that I really like the design of this car. It has a certain sophisticated look to it. The car is unique in many ways. The doors are more creatively-designed than most other car doors. I specifically like the way they have a dent-like sort of look. I also really love the rims. I like how they make the tires look sleek and thin; the rims are very shiny and sparkly. Lastly, I love how the car has a curvy look; this way, the car does not look straight and box-like compared to other dull-fashioned vehicles. The appearance of the ferrari catches the eye.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The design of the Pepsi can has been taken to the next level. There has got to be well over 5,000 different types of can designs just for Pepsi, alone. This particular design happens to be one of my favorites. The reason I blog about Pepsi is because my dad worked at the company and it comforts me to talk about things that relate to him. This creation of the can is very girly, and is quite magnificent. I really enjoy the butterflies and hearts. These symbols almost give you a great, uppity kind of mood. If the can were to be black, and filled with x's and skulls, it would create a scary mood; therefore, the Pepsi company would maybe lose a few customers, until they changed the can design again, due to this strange and awkward change. For example, a young girl would not pick up a dark-mooded can of something and drink it. Young children want pictures of lollipops, sugarplums, and other things filled with a lot of color. This can is definately one of the most youth-spirited formations of all Pepsi cans.

Meaning-full Necklace.

The production of this amazingly beautiful necklace captures my eye, greatly. It holds numerous wonderful qualities that contain a lot of art, as well as true meaning. The American Jewelry Design Council actually helps promote the understanding and acceptance of jewelry design as an art rather than just a craft. Jewelry, to me, is all about art. The main thing that really makes a piece of jewelry complete is the artistic designs of it, and what the art actually means. For example, this necklace reminds me, personally, of life. The sparkles in the heart represent the good things in life, and how they make you feel. When you are in a good mood, it's almost as if your body is filled with tingles; these tingles are represented by the sparkles. The outside circular designs are also very striking; they can symbolize the earth's rotation. To sum it all up, the world is a beautiful place that can make us feel terrific at times, and as the world goes round, we keep experiencing more and more of these different types of amazing feelings. These feelings are exactly what makes a piece of jewelry, a work of art.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


First off, I want to say that this car looks like a piece of red gum that was chewed up and spit out. It is the ugliest dang car I have seen yet. This car is definately uglier than the other ugly car that I blogged about. This car also has puffy seats, which makes the car look even fatter than it already is. The car is also very space invading. From this view, it looks as if it could take up 1 and a HALF parking spaces. To sum it all up, this car looks like an on-the-go teletubby! This has to be the silliest, most unprofessional car, with the least amount of class.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Design Poster

The design of this poster is absolutely wonderful. It contains many different formations which make this poster one of a kind. First of all, I really admire the hanging letters, because it gives a more creative look rather than the normal straight letters; it's a great improvement to the original look. Also, it has sort of a 3D look, which causes the poster to kind of jump out at the viewer. This creates a more realistic look. Lastly, the poster contains some bold colors, which make the poster really come together. Usually posters and most book covers contain all neutral colors, because books normally do not look good with a bright cover. With this poster, the illustrator pulled the risky colors off, very well. “Techniques borrowed from the nineteenth-century poster-artists gradually infiltrated the book industry, as did the professional practice of graphic design. The book cover became more than just a protection for the pages, taking on the function of advertising, and communicating information about the text inside”. Altogether, this poster is quite clever, and it is overall a brilliant design.


The design of this amazing creation is very eye-capturing and that is exactly why I like it. To me, this drawing represents a lot of chaos and confusion. Confusing designs are exactly my style. I love how someone can take a splat of paint, and make it into their own personal opinion, as opposed to a picture of a flower, which is nearly impossible to personalize. “The abstract impressionistic style is an exciting and very vibrant style that allows the representation of life images or reality impressions, in some different simplified ways using abstract shapes, forms and fresh and vibrant colors”. Another important thing, about this drawing, is that the abstract designs, like this one, are AMAZING to me, and sort of represent my life. I have had a very difficult life when it comes to family and stress. I have lost several close family members unexpectedly, very fast. It made me open my eyes ALOT, which is exactly what this particular drawing does. It is very eye-popping, beautiful, AND it tells a story; the story of my life.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

WOW-ing bed

WOW! This has GOT to be the neatest design known to teen girls, now-a-days! I love how it contains several different areas for several types of things. It's 5 in 1! This bed in not only a bed, it's a little ROOM! It organizes clothes, it has shelves, it has room for a mirror, a bulletin board, AND flowers! This has got to be the most interesting bed known to mankind (or shall I say WOmankind!) Every teenage girl could use this bed for lots of different things. These kind of beds with built in drawers, cupboards or pockets allow people to maximize bedroom space and still have a stylish feel and look to their sleeping area. I love how this bed was designed simply, but with a lot of different useful qualities. This wow-ing bed takes falling asleep to the next level! This is the best, most fascinating, useful piece of relaxation made for girls, ever thought of.

Beautiful Wedding Cake

First of all, I absolutely just adore this wedding cake, because it contains numerous qualities that almost every married woman would love. Not only does the cake have many child-like lines and dots, but it also has a sophisticated image. Because of the cake’s opposition of meanings, these designs are the symbols of becoming a woman. The hearts and the random squiggly lines bring out the girly-side of the cake, while the pearls and the green leaves bring out the womanly-side of it. Therefore, this wedding cake provides many qualities that are perfect for a wedding. Google reads that the number one hottest trendy wedding cake is a cake of black and white. “A black-and-white Parisian wallpaper pattern is so stylish when designed on a round cake.” 75% of people choose black and white themes for their weddings. Black and white is the most neutral, sophisticated combination of colors, especially for a wedding.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Story-telling Head

First of all, I want to say that this image caught my eye automatically, because not only is it a cover to a book, it is also a fact. As we can see, the man’s head is full of abstract lines, which causes me to see that the man is somewhat confused. It also makes me think a lot about life and reality. When I look at this image, I think about the different kinds of troubles in the world, and how those “bumps in the road” can really make us psycho sometimes. Also, we can see that there are two sides to the man; half the time he is content and calm, and the other half is upset and angry. Altogether, this image shows me that regardless of how a person lives his/her life, there are always going to be the difficult, confusing matters in life, no matter what.


To begin, I want to say that the
Cheesecake Factory’s Peanut Butter Cookie Dough cheesecake is the BEST dessert you will EVER experience. From the very first bite, I knew that I was in love (lol). After having one piece of the factory’s dessert, I decided to go back and try other types of cheesecake. They have all kinds of cheesecake from the original cheese, to chocolate coconut cream. Some of their most popular cheesecakes are the original, white chocolate Raspberry Truffle, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie-Dough, Kahlua Almond Fudge, Dutch Apple Caramel Streusel, Fresh Strawberry, Triple Chocolate Brownie Truffle, and of course, my favorite, the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. They also have a variety of bad cheesecake combinations, as well. These include Key Lime, Cocoa Coffee and the Low Carb. I, personally, do not believe that cheesecake was meant to have a sour taste, (like it does in the key lime). Honestly, who would go to the Cheesecake Factory to purchase a low-carb piece of cheesecake? Other than these flavors, I love all of the factory’s choices of desserts, and I believe most people will. It is unbelievable how the pastry-makers create such satisfying and mouth-watering flavors; especially for cheesecake, alone. I definitely recommend that everyone go! Maybe we can take a field trip! =]

Furniture Design

I want to start this blog by saying I really love the design of these two rooms. I love the natural, original look over those crazy out of whack designed rooms. I love a bathroom with all white, or a bathroom with just enough color, and not too much. Although the majority of modern homes have a white bathroom suite, a lot of people consider these as dull. But is there a reason why white bathroom suites are the most popular? Yes, these bathroom suites are so versatile and great for any design of bathroom. I also love the yellowish-green tinted paint on the bedroom walls, and how the furniture are all different, and not the exact same. A room with a lot of the same color aggravates me (with an exception to white). I am a very color-coordinated person, but I hate it when someone’s room is covered in all pink, or blue, or booger-green. It makes the room look altogether boring and it is somewhat frustrating. I love how the design of the bathroom is very straight forward and beautiful, without all of the extra hard work and back-breaking effort. I also really like the tile floor and its abstract-like pattern; I really enjoy abstract designs. Also, regarding the image at the top, I love the fake-like wood floors; I have real wooden floors at home, and I prefer the fake over the real wood anytime. Both of these rooms are day dreamingly amazing, and with my taste of style, my entire house will look very similar to this type of designing.