Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Earlier in class today, I overheard one of my classmates and Professor Mannheimer talking about what kind of food they have for the delicious, wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. I heard the student say that their family actually provides crab legs, instead of the traditional turkey, for Thanksgiving dinner. Unlike them, my family simply prefers the original and desireable turkey, as well as ham, for our great holiday celebration. If it were my choice what would be served for my family's Thanksgiving dinner, I would actually love to try something different as a main dish for my dinner. I wonder what chicken would be like? Or pork? Or steak? I am now going to ask my mother and grandmother if they would consider my new idea for something different for our main dinner of the year. I think that they will definately try it, but will they keep it as a tradition? I will have to wait and see. I am now on a mission to get my family members to try something other than turkey, for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!

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