Saturday, November 21, 2009


We Americans love us some delicious dessert! Especially ones that melt in our mouths. Out of the millions and billions of yummy sweet-toothed foods, there are five sweets that us Americans most definately love the most, and can NOT get enough of. The fifth favorite dessert is the wonderful and sophisticated cheesecake. The fourth is the amazing jello, proceeded by the all-time favorite apple pie. The second is the mind boggling chocolate cake, and the first, number one best tasting sweet, is the mouth watering, creamy and icy, mind craving ice cream. There are so many different ways and combinations of eating ice cream. Unlike other desserts, we can eat it in both a bowl and a cone! Other desserts can only be eaten in a boring bowl or an everyday cup. Ice cream is not only the best tasting thing in America, but it also the most fun and creative food there is! It is an ALL-time favorite that will NEVER go extinct.

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