Monday, November 2, 2009

Michael Jackson

After reviewing US Magazine's Article on "How Michael Jackson's Pill Addiction Began", it made me have to agree with the magazine. Everyone is always talking about the way Michael Jackson wanted to be a white man, bleached his skin, and so on and so forth, but I believe that the start of all of the weird actions of Jackson was simply caused by the horrid event that happened years ago. This event was the 1984 Pepsi commercial. During the sixth take, the pyrotechnics went off exploded way too early, and gave Jackson second and third degree burns on his scalp and face. I think that his whole face-changing had a lot to do with this accident. I think that he was just trying to cover his horrible scars with cosmetic surgery. I also think that maybe he bleached his face on accident some way, and ended up actually liking the color of his face better than before. I believe that he simply wanted to change his appearance from being disformed and scarred up, to a different face, but better than it was before. I also believe that it was all caused by the terrible Pepsi accident, and it was not planned, like everyone thinks. Michael Jackson was a fabulous, historic, and amazing pop artist and musician, and deserves all of the respect that he deserves, and not all of the rumors and lies.

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