Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The design of the Pepsi can has been taken to the next level. There has got to be well over 5,000 different types of can designs just for Pepsi, alone. This particular design happens to be one of my favorites. The reason I blog about Pepsi is because my dad worked at the company and it comforts me to talk about things that relate to him. This creation of the can is very girly, and is quite magnificent. I really enjoy the butterflies and hearts. These symbols almost give you a great, uppity kind of mood. If the can were to be black, and filled with x's and skulls, it would create a scary mood; therefore, the Pepsi company would maybe lose a few customers, until they changed the can design again, due to this strange and awkward change. For example, a young girl would not pick up a dark-mooded can of something and drink it. Young children want pictures of lollipops, sugarplums, and other things filled with a lot of color. This can is definately one of the most youth-spirited formations of all Pepsi cans.

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