Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meaning-full Necklace.

The production of this amazingly beautiful necklace captures my eye, greatly. It holds numerous wonderful qualities that contain a lot of art, as well as true meaning. The American Jewelry Design Council actually helps promote the understanding and acceptance of jewelry design as an art rather than just a craft. Jewelry, to me, is all about art. The main thing that really makes a piece of jewelry complete is the artistic designs of it, and what the art actually means. For example, this necklace reminds me, personally, of life. The sparkles in the heart represent the good things in life, and how they make you feel. When you are in a good mood, it's almost as if your body is filled with tingles; these tingles are represented by the sparkles. The outside circular designs are also very striking; they can symbolize the earth's rotation. To sum it all up, the world is a beautiful place that can make us feel terrific at times, and as the world goes round, we keep experiencing more and more of these different types of amazing feelings. These feelings are exactly what makes a piece of jewelry, a work of art.

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