Wednesday, November 18, 2009


How bout them COLTS?
After watching the Colts vs. Patriots game on Sunday, me, and everyone else in Indy, got highly excited to see the Colts finally beat the Patriots, while also maintaining undefeatable. The Colts are my home team, and I will always support them no matter what may happen. I think that Manning is the real deal behind it all, and I think he has his sneaky little ways of making sure that we win, every, single time. I think that he sometimes purposely lets the other team get some points in, before he really goes all out with points. I may be wrong, but does it not sound like a great way to win? every time? We get the other team's hopes up, at the end, and then score on them with no warning or expectations. This prediction is a great one, and you know it, and it makes perfect sense. If we think about almost every game that we have ever played, we always either win, or come back in the end, with a very close score. It makes perfect and brilliant sense, right? Regardless, the Colts are doing their thing this season, and I really do predict that they will MOST DEFINATELY make it to the SUPERBOWL, and WIN!

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