Saturday, November 21, 2009


Well, as we all know, and are looking forward to, Thanksgiving is only five days away! For those of you who did not know, Thanksgiving takes place on Thursday, the 26th, which is the Thursday coming up. I, and everyone else, is so, very excited to eat all that we can, on the wonderful and crave-satisfying, delicious and food-filled day. We all have that one favorite food that we try to hog each year, and the food that I just absolutely can not get enough of is the fabulous PUMPKIN PIE! Did you know that the largest pumpkin pie actually weighed 2,020 pounds? Yes, it is quite unbelievable! Another fun fact is that there is a limit to the number of states that actually produce turkey. Just six states—Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana—will probably produce two-thirds of the estimated 271 million birds that will be raised in the U.S. this year. Therefore, we should be thankful that our state is one of the only 6 states that sell turkey. I wonder what Thanksgiving would be like without turkey. Anyways, Thanksgiving is a great holiday for us to enjoy our meals, and give thanks for everything and everyone that we have.

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