Monday, November 9, 2009

Swine Flu

After having a little talk with my stepsister, she told me that her school, Greenwood Middle School, is having a major problem with the H1-N1 virus. This scares me to a long extent, because I do not live too far from Greenwood. She also told me that her school principal has sent out mail saying that if one more student receives the deadly flu, they are going to have to completely shut down the school for two weeks, and clean and sanitize every single thing 100%. I just can not believe this, because knowing that so many people, that live so close by, have had or currently has this virus, makes me realize that the virus is real and it can actually harm anyone, really soon, really fast. Studies show that there have been 36 deaths in the state, as of Friday, which is very scary and makes everything realistic. The Swine Flu is very deathly and real, and everyone should definately be extra careful about their health, especially as of right now.

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