Monday, November 9, 2009

Banned Smoking

After reading an article on, I was very surprised to read that: "A proposal to ban smoking in most Indianapolis workplaces will return to the City-County Council for a vote later this month.
The council voted 16-12 tonight to overrule an Oct. 26 vote to table the proposal, which would strengthen an existing ban to include venues such as bars and bowling alleys. It now is scheduled to go before the council at its Nov. 30 meeting."
I support this ban all the way, because second hand smoke is terrible for all of us, in many ways, shapes and forms. I think that they should have definately banned smoking in all public places a long time ago. It is not fair, what so ever, for all of the non smokers. Studies show that second hand smoke is twice as bad as the actual inhaled smoke straight from the cancer stick. Personally, I think that they should stop the sales of cigarettes, altogether, but I know that this will not happen any time soon.

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