Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger Woods

After constantly hearing about Tiger Woods' and his wife's endless confrontations, you would think that after Tiger did the exact same thing plenty of times, his wife would learn from it all. The whole Tiger story is getting very old, very quick. For those of you who do not know it, Tiger has cheated on his wife countless times, and his wife is still trying to work things out with him, although he has purposely hurt her so much, already. His wife should have definately saw this coming, and maybe should not have even married him. First of all, he is a billionaire, who is loved by billions of women who are constantly throwing themselves at him. My opinion is that I think Tiger will keep messing up with his wife, and no one should trust a billionaire around other beautiful women; I mean it is common sense. So, after seeing and hearing all about Tiger's problems at home with his nieve wife on television, the internet, from my friends and family, on the radio, I think that the whole thing is not worth making such a big deal out of. It is everyday life to find out about people cheating on their significant others; people make mistakes, and some even repeat them. Therefore, it should not make a big difference if a famous golf player does the same thing. Paparazzi is a joke, and makes everything so much more than it really is, and quite frankly, it all is getting on my nerves; that is all I have to say about that.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Story of Ryan White

Although the unbelieveable and pitiful story of Ryan White is quite historic and has probably been forgotten, I want to bring the amazing event back to life, and talk about the most important and interesting facts involvong Ryan's life. I am currently working on a project which is all about Ryan White's story, and after reading about the famous story it made me want to relive the story and recognize Ryan White's tough and inspiring life. Ryan was just three days old when he was diagnosed with Hemophilia, which is a disease in which one's blood does not clot. When he was just 13, he was diagnosed with AIDS after being treated with contanimated blood. After finding out he had the deadly disease, he was given six months to live. Within the small amount of time within the rest of his life, he was kicked out of school, because of his disease, and treated as if he were a monster. While trying to return to school, he was rallied against by many. No one wanted to touch or even be near him, because everyone thought the disease was casually contagious. While being hated by the community, his story slowly became famous, and he appeared on TV with stars like Michael Jackson and Elton John. At the age of 18, Ryan White died of AIDS, while fighting a respiratory infection. Over 1,500 people attended his funeral, and four months after White's death, Congress enacted The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act (often known simply as the Ryan White Care Act), in his honor. Ryan's amazing story is recognized throughout the world, and is trying to be kept known everywhere, to everyone.