Saturday, October 31, 2009


Miley Cyrus was named 2009's worst celebrity influence by teens and tweens. After reading this magazine article, I had to disagree completely. Just because she isn't dressing like a little girl anymore, does not automatically make her slutty or unsophisticated. She deserves a life too, and not one that is directed by everyone else, one that is directed by her. Celebrities derserve their privacy, just like us. She was just going through that stage, when young girls are influenced by others, and try to dress and look older. Everyone experiences this once in his or her life, and celebs are human beings, as well. Miley is living a normal life and should not be criticized for her little mistakes and curiosity. She ought to have a little privacy without having to deal with all of the paparazzi drama. She is a good girl, and it should be clear to everyone, regardless of the petty mistakes she might ever make.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Can you take a guess at what is the most common Halloween candy sold in the nation? That's right! It is the great and famous candy corn! Studies show that the top most popular candy, now a days, that is given out on Halloween night is candy corn, then snickers and Reese's, as well as many others; and although millions of kids go trick-or-treating on Halloween night, only ninety percent of them actually eat all of their candy. They actually usually waste more than half of their candy, including candy like tootsie rolls, sweet tarts, and hard candies. Studies also show that although there is no exact age limit, the average, highest age for kids that should go trick or treat, is the age of twelve, since they have not technically reached the teenage stage. Kids love their candy, and will remain trick or treating for many years to come.


Halloween is all about dressing up in fancy costumes and eating candy. Costumes are worn by millions all over the U.S.A. on Halloween night, alone. Studies show that the two most common costumes, for boys and girls, are the witch and the pirate. The witch and the pirate costumes can be made into both good and bad costumes. A little girl can either be the good, pretty witch, or the ugly, evil, wicked witch of the west witch; the boy can be either the Pirates of the Caribbean, good kind of pirate, or the bad, hook for a hand type of pirate. They are both very neutral types of costumes and are loved by many Americans. Dressing up in costumes are the most admired thing about the fun and scary, sugar-filled night of the year.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


After going out and walking into numerous businesses, searching for any type of job that I can, I found that 2 in 5 businesses are hiring at this time. The majority of places, that are hiring now, are restaurants (mostly steakhouses). The main reason why steakhouses are needing employees, at this time, is because of the upcoming holidays. It took quite a while for me to find a place that chose to interview me, and after getting all my highest hopes up, I was brought down by the fact that they did not even bother to call me back, after telling me that I had the job. So,therefore, I am trying to let everyone know that although you may get several interviews, it is very, very complicated to actually get the job, and keep it. I have learned that every restaurant wants the best experienced person for the job, and unless you have a lot of experience in that field, they will most likely not hire you. You will receive a job the moment that you least expect it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fantastic Formation

The creation of this thing, which is my birthday balloon holder, is very interesting and beautiful to me. First off, the pink and white metallic colors of the material is just fabulous and fits right in with the whole girly birthday theme. I love the shininess and lightweight look to it, also. Decorative items for any type of holiday have been in Americans’ lives for decades now, and will continue to get bigger and better as the years go by. Each year, some, new party-related object is created, and it stays popular for quite a lot of time. For example, a few years ago, the big and fancy new year’s glasses were created, and have now been one of the hottest holiday props for years. Another example would be the big holiday-ish beaded necklaces. Another thing that I love, is the way the stars and the pieces of string almost look as if they are fireworks popping out of a small vase. Looking at this amazing decoration enlightens me and puts me in a great mood. This is more than an original, plain, old balloon hat or party blower, it's a meaningful masterpiece.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I really love the way this pair of shoes were created. I like the way the metal chains were added to the shoes, to create a rock-n-roll-ish look of the shoes. I also love how the metal and the black complement each other, in a very sophisticated sort of way. The last thing I love is the 5 inch heels and the platform-look of the shoes. This look makes the rock-n-roll and sexy styles come together, creating the perfect mix of sophistication and grunge. It is actually proven that high heels not only make a woman taller and sexier, but also makes their legs look longer and toner; this is because of the high heels keep her foot arched, which make the calf muscles stay sort of flexed. These shoes would be the perfect pair of shoes to wear to any type of occasion, at any time of the day.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


The designs of all types of butterflies are one word: AMAZING. I could never figure out how nature could create such beautiful and numerous different designs on just one species, alone. Studies show that there are over 17,500 different species of butterflies, each butterfly with their own uniqe kind of design. It is simply unbelievable that not two butterflies, in the entire world, have identical designs on their wings. The numerous different colors, patterns, abstract lines, shapes, and sizes are uncountable. Some butterflies can have plentiful colors on their wings. To sum it all up, butterflies are very gorgeous, attractive, and distinctive insects, and vary in several different kinds of categories.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yummy and Gorgeous!

First of all, I think this cake is the most amazingly decorated wedding cake that I have seen, yet. I have always had a thing for baking, and this cake caught my eye, immediately. When I get bored at home, I always search for wedding cakes online, and this the most beautiful cake I have ever seen. The cake consists of many decorative flowers, which is the number one best, most popular and enhancing choice of wedding cakes of all time. Although the number one, most popular wedding cake decoration is fresh flowers, the next choice down is sculptured flowers made out of either icing, fondantt, gum paste, marzipan, spun sugar, or buttercream. Another fabulous fact about this gorgeous wedding cake is that it can definitely fit within a casual or formal event, depending on the type of event. Also, this cake looks very delicious and tasteful, and at the same time it looks sophisticated and charming; therefore, you CAN have your beautiful, hours-taken-to-make cake and eat it, too.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


First off, I want to say that I adore this dress to a maximum. I would personally wear this dress at any time of the day, any day. This dress is unbelievably gorgeous and full of style. This dress can either be formal or casual, on any day of the week. With a little bit of my own personal research, I found that four out of five women wear dresses to their workplace, as opposed to skirts or slacks. I really love this dress, because it is acceptable, as well as adored, by many people and places, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Dresses are simply, the new "it" thing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kitchen Art

To begin, I want to say that I really, really adore this kitchen. It is the exact sort of design that I would love to have in my house, in the future. First of all, I really admire the sophistication of the chandelier hanging from above, over the island. Second, I love the look of the cherry wood cabinets, they are the most popular choice of all types of wood. My favorite of the entire kitchen, would be the lovely design of the marble counters. The number one most popular countertop design is laminate; marble actually falls under this category. The way this kitchen was produced is the same way that I want my kitchen to look like, when I finally get out on my own. I could not say anything negative about this beautiful kitchen, at all. It is the perfect design for a sophisticated and amazing, family house.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


The design of these adorable, yet sexy heels, is a very sophisticated and popular one. This design of a high, skinny, platform, high-heeled shoe is the one favorite type of shoe, of mine. It is proven that women start wearing high heels at the age of 12 and do not stop at age 63. Also, the Guiness Book of World Records shows that most people running were in high-heeled shoes. It is also proven that heels cause a person's lower back to arch, the bottom of the spine sticks out, and this can cause pain and permanent damage to the spine. Although I do personally love the style about high heels, I will never wear them again. After wearing a pair to prom, I will never torture my feet like that again.