Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gorgeous Fashion

First of all, the dress that this beautiful woman is modeling, is one of my favorite styles, of all time. I love the simple, yet firey look of the dress. I also really like how the dress simply "falls" on the model. It is proven that this style of the professional look, of the 20th century, is one of the most admired looks of all time.
Young women, all over the world, are starting to prefer that more sophisticated look, as the years pass by. The more time that goes by, the more grown-up the pre-teens are looking. I believe that the future is going to bring us some of the most adored fashion that will ever be invented. To sum it up, this dress is the definition of modern fashion. As the years pass, our style is only going to get better.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I would like to say that I very much admire this building. I also really love the figures in front of it. The figures sort of look like surfboards, to me, and I happen to love this unique look. The design of the surfboard-looking things gives the area a sort of summer-like feel. I absolutely love the season of summer, and the beach, so this explains why the statues automatically look as if they are surf boards. I have a very bubbly and outgoing personality, which is exactly like the season of summer. Summer is all about making new friends, falling in love, going to the beach, and also staying up late on cool, summer nights. I am all about these three things, therefore, the statues automatically give me the sense of summer.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I absolutley adore the lovely creations of Kathy Van Zeeland. She is a wonderful designer of all types of purses and other formations. Her bags are now sold in more than 1,300 stores, nationwide. She is best known for her beautiful, metallic, and eye-popping handbags, as well as many styles of keychains, and numerous types of luggage. Her unique fashion sense draws the pupils of young teenage girls and women, everywhere. She is quite famous for her youth-like taste in establishment. Kathy's signature prints have reached the top three brands sold, today. Her style definately matches my personality; the shiny, sleek, modern look is just like my bubbly, outgoing, fashionable persona.


First of all I would like to say that I really like the design of this car. The very first thing that I simply cannot resist about this car, is how fast it is. The Ferrari is actually the sixth fastest car in the entire world. The second thing I like is that it has a certain sophisticated look to it. The car is unique in many ways. The doors are more creatively-designed than most other car doors. I specifically like the way they have a dent-like sort of look. I also really love the rims. I like how they make the tires look sleek and thin; the rims are very shiny and sparkly. I also absolutely love how fast the car is. First of all I would like to say that I really like the design of this car. It has a certain sophisticated look to it. The car is unique in many ways. The doors are more creatively-designed than most other car doors. I specifically like the way they have a dent-like sort of look. I also really love the rims. I like how they make the tires look sleek and thin; the rims are very shiny and sparkly. Lastly, I love how the car has a curvy look; this way, the car does not look straight and box-like compared to other dull-fashioned vehicles. The appearance of the ferrari catches the eye.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The design of the Pepsi can has been taken to the next level. There has got to be well over 5,000 different types of can designs just for Pepsi, alone. This particular design happens to be one of my favorites. The reason I blog about Pepsi is because my dad worked at the company and it comforts me to talk about things that relate to him. This creation of the can is very girly, and is quite magnificent. I really enjoy the butterflies and hearts. These symbols almost give you a great, uppity kind of mood. If the can were to be black, and filled with x's and skulls, it would create a scary mood; therefore, the Pepsi company would maybe lose a few customers, until they changed the can design again, due to this strange and awkward change. For example, a young girl would not pick up a dark-mooded can of something and drink it. Young children want pictures of lollipops, sugarplums, and other things filled with a lot of color. This can is definately one of the most youth-spirited formations of all Pepsi cans.

Meaning-full Necklace.

The production of this amazingly beautiful necklace captures my eye, greatly. It holds numerous wonderful qualities that contain a lot of art, as well as true meaning. The American Jewelry Design Council actually helps promote the understanding and acceptance of jewelry design as an art rather than just a craft. Jewelry, to me, is all about art. The main thing that really makes a piece of jewelry complete is the artistic designs of it, and what the art actually means. For example, this necklace reminds me, personally, of life. The sparkles in the heart represent the good things in life, and how they make you feel. When you are in a good mood, it's almost as if your body is filled with tingles; these tingles are represented by the sparkles. The outside circular designs are also very striking; they can symbolize the earth's rotation. To sum it all up, the world is a beautiful place that can make us feel terrific at times, and as the world goes round, we keep experiencing more and more of these different types of amazing feelings. These feelings are exactly what makes a piece of jewelry, a work of art.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


First off, I want to say that this car looks like a piece of red gum that was chewed up and spit out. It is the ugliest dang car I have seen yet. This car is definately uglier than the other ugly car that I blogged about. This car also has puffy seats, which makes the car look even fatter than it already is. The car is also very space invading. From this view, it looks as if it could take up 1 and a HALF parking spaces. To sum it all up, this car looks like an on-the-go teletubby! This has to be the silliest, most unprofessional car, with the least amount of class.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Design Poster

The design of this poster is absolutely wonderful. It contains many different formations which make this poster one of a kind. First of all, I really admire the hanging letters, because it gives a more creative look rather than the normal straight letters; it's a great improvement to the original look. Also, it has sort of a 3D look, which causes the poster to kind of jump out at the viewer. This creates a more realistic look. Lastly, the poster contains some bold colors, which make the poster really come together. Usually posters and most book covers contain all neutral colors, because books normally do not look good with a bright cover. With this poster, the illustrator pulled the risky colors off, very well. “Techniques borrowed from the nineteenth-century poster-artists gradually infiltrated the book industry, as did the professional practice of graphic design. The book cover became more than just a protection for the pages, taking on the function of advertising, and communicating information about the text inside”. Altogether, this poster is quite clever, and it is overall a brilliant design.


The design of this amazing creation is very eye-capturing and that is exactly why I like it. To me, this drawing represents a lot of chaos and confusion. Confusing designs are exactly my style. I love how someone can take a splat of paint, and make it into their own personal opinion, as opposed to a picture of a flower, which is nearly impossible to personalize. “The abstract impressionistic style is an exciting and very vibrant style that allows the representation of life images or reality impressions, in some different simplified ways using abstract shapes, forms and fresh and vibrant colors”. Another important thing, about this drawing, is that the abstract designs, like this one, are AMAZING to me, and sort of represent my life. I have had a very difficult life when it comes to family and stress. I have lost several close family members unexpectedly, very fast. It made me open my eyes ALOT, which is exactly what this particular drawing does. It is very eye-popping, beautiful, AND it tells a story; the story of my life.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

WOW-ing bed

WOW! This has GOT to be the neatest design known to teen girls, now-a-days! I love how it contains several different areas for several types of things. It's 5 in 1! This bed in not only a bed, it's a little ROOM! It organizes clothes, it has shelves, it has room for a mirror, a bulletin board, AND flowers! This has got to be the most interesting bed known to mankind (or shall I say WOmankind!) Every teenage girl could use this bed for lots of different things. These kind of beds with built in drawers, cupboards or pockets allow people to maximize bedroom space and still have a stylish feel and look to their sleeping area. I love how this bed was designed simply, but with a lot of different useful qualities. This wow-ing bed takes falling asleep to the next level! This is the best, most fascinating, useful piece of relaxation made for girls, ever thought of.

Beautiful Wedding Cake

First of all, I absolutely just adore this wedding cake, because it contains numerous qualities that almost every married woman would love. Not only does the cake have many child-like lines and dots, but it also has a sophisticated image. Because of the cake’s opposition of meanings, these designs are the symbols of becoming a woman. The hearts and the random squiggly lines bring out the girly-side of the cake, while the pearls and the green leaves bring out the womanly-side of it. Therefore, this wedding cake provides many qualities that are perfect for a wedding. Google reads that the number one hottest trendy wedding cake is a cake of black and white. “A black-and-white Parisian wallpaper pattern is so stylish when designed on a round cake.” 75% of people choose black and white themes for their weddings. Black and white is the most neutral, sophisticated combination of colors, especially for a wedding.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Story-telling Head

First of all, I want to say that this image caught my eye automatically, because not only is it a cover to a book, it is also a fact. As we can see, the man’s head is full of abstract lines, which causes me to see that the man is somewhat confused. It also makes me think a lot about life and reality. When I look at this image, I think about the different kinds of troubles in the world, and how those “bumps in the road” can really make us psycho sometimes. Also, we can see that there are two sides to the man; half the time he is content and calm, and the other half is upset and angry. Altogether, this image shows me that regardless of how a person lives his/her life, there are always going to be the difficult, confusing matters in life, no matter what.


To begin, I want to say that the
Cheesecake Factory’s Peanut Butter Cookie Dough cheesecake is the BEST dessert you will EVER experience. From the very first bite, I knew that I was in love (lol). After having one piece of the factory’s dessert, I decided to go back and try other types of cheesecake. They have all kinds of cheesecake from the original cheese, to chocolate coconut cream. Some of their most popular cheesecakes are the original, white chocolate Raspberry Truffle, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie-Dough, Kahlua Almond Fudge, Dutch Apple Caramel Streusel, Fresh Strawberry, Triple Chocolate Brownie Truffle, and of course, my favorite, the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. They also have a variety of bad cheesecake combinations, as well. These include Key Lime, Cocoa Coffee and the Low Carb. I, personally, do not believe that cheesecake was meant to have a sour taste, (like it does in the key lime). Honestly, who would go to the Cheesecake Factory to purchase a low-carb piece of cheesecake? Other than these flavors, I love all of the factory’s choices of desserts, and I believe most people will. It is unbelievable how the pastry-makers create such satisfying and mouth-watering flavors; especially for cheesecake, alone. I definitely recommend that everyone go! Maybe we can take a field trip! =]

Furniture Design

I want to start this blog by saying I really love the design of these two rooms. I love the natural, original look over those crazy out of whack designed rooms. I love a bathroom with all white, or a bathroom with just enough color, and not too much. Although the majority of modern homes have a white bathroom suite, a lot of people consider these as dull. But is there a reason why white bathroom suites are the most popular? Yes, these bathroom suites are so versatile and great for any design of bathroom. I also love the yellowish-green tinted paint on the bedroom walls, and how the furniture are all different, and not the exact same. A room with a lot of the same color aggravates me (with an exception to white). I am a very color-coordinated person, but I hate it when someone’s room is covered in all pink, or blue, or booger-green. It makes the room look altogether boring and it is somewhat frustrating. I love how the design of the bathroom is very straight forward and beautiful, without all of the extra hard work and back-breaking effort. I also really like the tile floor and its abstract-like pattern; I really enjoy abstract designs. Also, regarding the image at the top, I love the fake-like wood floors; I have real wooden floors at home, and I prefer the fake over the real wood anytime. Both of these rooms are day dreamingly amazing, and with my taste of style, my entire house will look very similar to this type of designing.